LegendDataManagment provides an extension for Plots. This makes it possible to directly plot LEGEND data via the plot
function. The extension is automatically loaded when both packages are loaded. You can plot a parameter overview as a 2D plot over a set of detectors (requires a $LEGEND_DATA_CONFIG
environment variable pointing to a legend data-config file):
using LegendDataManagement, Plots
l200 = LegendData(:l200)
filekey = FileKey("l200-p03-r000-cal-20230311T235840Z")
pars = l200.par.ppars.ecal(filekey)
properties = [:e_cusp_ctc, :fwhm, :qbb];
chinfo = channelinfo(l200, filekey; system = :geds, only_processable = true)
plot(chinfo, pars, properties, verbose = true, color = 1, markershape = :o, calculate_mean = true)
The plot recipe takes three arguments:
: the channel info with all detectors to be plotted on the x-axispars
: aPropDict
that has the detector IDs as keys and parameters as valuesproperties
: an array ofSymbols
to access the data that should be plotted
(if no properties
are provided, the PropDict
is expected to just contain the data to be plotted as values)
There are also keyword arguments:
: If set totrue
, then the mean values are included in the legend labels. For values with uncertainties, the mean values are calculated as weighted means.verbose
: some output when the plot is generated, e.g. if values for (some) detectors are missing
A 3D plot is WIP.
In addition, you can plot an event display of the raw
using Unitful, LegendDataManagement, Plots
l200 = LegendData(:l200)
ts = 1.6785791257987175e9u"s"
ch = ChannelId(1104000)
plot(l200, ts, ch)
: The data tier to be plotted. Default isDataTier(:raw)
: All waveforms to be plotted from the data. Default is[:waveform_presummed]
which plots the presummed waveform.show_unixtime
: If set totrue
, use unix time instead of the datetime in the title. Default isfalse
If the channel is not given, the recipe automtically searches for the correct event in the data.
ts = 1.6785791257987175e9u"s"
plot(l200, ts)
In case of a cal
event, only the HPGe channel with that event is plotted. In case of a phy
event, all waveforms of the full HPGe and SiPM systems are plotted. The following additional keywords arguments can be set (the plot_waveform
kwarg is replaced by the system
kwarg here):
: The system and the waveforms to be plotted for each system. Default isDict{Symbol, Vector{Symbol}}([:geds, :spms] .=> [[:waveform_presummed], [:waveform_bit_drop]])
: If set totrue
, only processable channels are plotted. Default istrue
LegendDataManagment provides an extension for LegendHDF5IO. This makes it possible to directly load LEGEND data from HDF5 files via the read_ldata
function. The extension is automatically loaded when both packages are loaded. Example (requires a $LEGEND_DATA_CONFIG
environment variable pointing to a legend data-config file):
using LegendDataManagement, LegendHDF5IO
l200 = LegendData(:l200)
filekeys = search_disk(FileKey, l200.tier[:jldsp, :cal, :p03, :r000])
chinfo = channelinfo(l200, (:p03, :r000, :cal); system=:geds, only_processable=true)
ch = chinfo[1].channel
dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, first(filekeys), ch)
dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, :cal, :p03, :r000, ch)
dsp = read_ldata((:e_cusp, :e_trap, :blmean, :blslope), l200, :jldsp, :cal, :p03, :r000, ch)
automitcally loads LEGEND data for a specific DataTier
and data selection like e.g. a FileKey
or a run-selection based for a given ChannelId
. The search_disk
function allows the user to search for available DataTier
and FileKey
on disk. The first argument can be either a selection of keys in form of a NTuple
of Symbol
or a PropertyFunction which will be applied during loading. It is also possible to load whole a DataPartition
or DataPeriod
for a given ChannelId
dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, :cal, DataPartition(1), ch)
dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, :cal, DataPeriod(3), ch)
In additon, it is possible to load a random selection of n_evts
events randomly selected from each loaded file:
dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, :cal, :p03, :r000, ch; n_evts=1000)
For simplicity, the ch can also be given as a DetectorID
which will be converted internally to a ChannelId
det = chinfo[1].detector
dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, :cal, :p03, :r000, det)
In case, a ChannelId
is missing in a file, the function will throw an ArgumentError
. To avoid this and return nothing
instead, you can use the ignore_missing
keyword argument.
LegendDataManagment provides an extension for SolidStateDetectors. This makes it possible to create SolidStateDetector
and Simulation
instances from LEGEND metadata.
Example (requires a $LEGEND_DATA_CONFIG
environment variable pointing to a legend data-config file):
using LegendDataManagement, SolidStateDetectors, Plots
det = SolidStateDetector(LegendData(:l200), :V99000A)
A detector can also be constructed using the filename of the LEGEND metadata detector-datasheet JSON file (no $LEGEND_DATA_CONFIG
det = SolidStateDetector(LegendData, "V99000A.json")
In addition, when creating a Simulation
, all simulation functions in SolidStateDetectors.jl can be applied. As usual, all fields stored in the Simulation
can be written and read using LegendHDF5IO
using LegendDataManagement
using SolidStateDetectors
sim = Simulation(LegendData, "V99000A.json")
simulate!(sim) # calculate electric field and weighting potentials
using LegendHDF5IO
ssd_write("V99000A.lh5", sim)
sim_in = ssd_read("V99000A.lh5", Simulation)
The following code will generate an overview plot of every 5th LEGEND detector (requires the actual LEGEND metadata instead of the metadata in legend-testdata):
using LegendDataManagement, SolidStateDetectors, Plots
l200 = LegendData(:l200)
detnames = propertynames(l200.metadata.hardware.detectors.germanium.diodes)
plot.(SolidStateDetector.(Ref(l200), detnames[1:5:120]))...,
layout = (3,8), lw = 0.05, legend = false, grid = false, showaxis = false,
xlims = (-0.05,0.05), ylims = (-0.05,0.05), zlims = (0,0.1), size = (4000,1500)