
This package provides a Julia implementation of the LEGEND data and metadata management.

======= It requires a central configuration file (see the example "config.json" in the LEGEND test data repository). While the path to this configuration file can be specified explicitly, we recommend setting an environment variable named $LEGEND_DATA_CONFIG to the absolute path of your "config.json".

LegendDataManagment provides a SolidStateDetectors extension that makes it possible to create SolidStateDetector objects from LEGEND metadata.

Usage examples:

using LegendDataManagement
using PropertyFunctions

l200 = LegendData(:l200)

filekey = FileKey("l200-p02-r006-cal-20221226T200846Z")

raw_filename = l200.tier[:raw, "l200-p02-r006-cal-20221226T200846Z"]


chinfo = channel_info(l200, filekey)
filterby(@pf $processable && $usability)(chinfo)