
LegendHDF5IO extension

LegendDataManagment provides an extension for LegendHDF5IO. This makes it possible to directly load LEGEND data from HDF5 files via the read_ldata function. The extension is automatically loaded when both packages are loaded. Example (requires a $LEGEND_DATA_CONFIG environment variable pointing to a legend data-config file):

using LegendDataManagement, LegendHDF5IO
l200 = LegendData(:l200)
filekeys = search_disk(FileKey, l200.tier[:jldsp, :cal, :p03, :r000])

chinfo = channelinfo(l200, (:p03, :r000, :cal); system=:geds, only_processable=true)

ch = chinfo[1].channel

dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, first(filekeys), ch)
dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, :cal, :p03, :r000, ch)
dsp = read_ldata((:e_cusp, :e_trap, :blmean, :blslope), l200, :jldsp, :cal, :p03, :r000, ch)

read_ldata automitcally loads LEGEND data for a specific DataTier and data selection like e.g. a FileKey or a run-selection based for a given ChannelId. The search_disk function allows the user to search for available DataTier and FileKey on disk. The first argument can be either a selection of keys in form of a NTuple of Symbol or a PropertyFunction which will be applied during loading. It is also possible to load whole a DataPartition or DataPeriod for a given ChannelId ch:

dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, :cal, DataPartition(1), ch)
dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, :cal, DataPeriod(3), ch)

In additon, it is possible to load a random selection of n_evts events randomly selected from each loaded file:

dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, :cal, :p03, :r000, ch; n_evts=1000)

For simplicity, the ch can also be given as a DetectorID which will be converted internally to a ChannelId:

det = chinfo[1].detector
dsp = read_ldata(l200, :jldsp, :cal, :p03, :r000, det)

SolidStateDetectors extension

LegendDataManagment provides an extension for SolidStateDetectors. This makes it possible to create SolidStateDetector and Simulation instances from LEGEND metadata.

Example (requires a $LEGEND_DATA_CONFIG environment variable pointing to a legend data-config file):

using LegendDataManagement, SolidStateDetectors, Plots
det = SolidStateDetector(LegendData(:l200), :V99000A)

A detector can also be constructed using the filename of the LEGEND metadata detector-datasheet JSON file (no $LEGEND_DATA_CONFIG required):

det = SolidStateDetector(LegendData, "V99000A.json")

In addition, when creating a Simulation, all simulation functions in SolidStateDetectors.jl can be applied. As usual, all fields stored in the Simulation can be written and read using LegendHDF5IO:

using LegendDataManagement
using SolidStateDetectors

sim = Simulation(LegendData, "V99000A.json")
simulate!(sim) # calculate electric field and weighting potentials

using LegendHDF5IO
ssd_write("V99000A.lh5", sim)
sim_in = ssd_read("V99000A.lh5", Simulation)

The following code will generate an overview plot of every 5th LEGEND detector (requires the actual LEGEND metadata instead of the metadata in legend-testdata):

using LegendDataManagement, SolidStateDetectors, Plots
l200 = LegendData(:l200)
detnames = propertynames(l200.metadata.hardware.detectors.germanium.diodes)
    plot.(SolidStateDetector.(Ref(l200), detnames[1:5:120]))...,
    layout = (3,8), lw = 0.05, legend = false, grid = false, showaxis = false,
    xlims = (-0.05,0.05), ylims = (-0.05,0.05), zlims = (0,0.1), size = (4000,1500)