HDF5 File Format

HDF5 is used as the primary binary data format in LEGEND.

The following describes a mapping between the abstract data model and HDF5. This specifies the structure of the HDF5 implicitly, but precisely, for any data that conforms to the data model. The mapping purposefully uses only common and basic HDF5 features, to ensure it can be easily and reliably implemented in multiple programming languages.

HDF5 datasets, groups and attributes

Different data types may be stored as an HDF5 dataset of the same type (e.g. a 2-dimensional dataset may represent a matrix or a vector of same-sized vectors). To make the HDF5 files self-documenting, the HDF5 attribute datatype is used to indicate the type semantics of datasets and groups.

Basic types

Quick reference
Data typedatatype attribute
Scalarreal, string, symbol, bool, ...
Flat $n$-dimensional arrayarray<n>{ELTYPE}
Fixed-sized $n$-dimensional arrayfixedsize_array<n>{ELTYPE}
$n$-dimensional array of $m$-dimensional arrays of the same sizearray_of_equalsized_arrays<n,m>{ELTYPE}
Vector of vectors of different sizearray<1>{array<1>{ELTYPE}}
Encoded vector of vectors of different sizearray<1>{encoded_array<1>{ELTYPE}}
Encoded array of arrays of the same sizearray_of_encoded_equalsized_arrays<n,m>{ELTYPE}

The abstract data model is mapped as follows:


Single scalar values are stored as 0-dimensional HDF5 datasets.

DATASET "scalar" {
    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "real"
    DATA = 3.14


Collections of values. The datatype attribute will always contain array.

Flat $n$-dimensional arrays are stored as $n$-dimensional HDF5 datasets.

DATASET "unixtime" {
    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
    ATTRIBUTE "units" = "ns"
    DATA = [1.44061e+09, 1.44061e+09, ...]

Fixed-sized array



Array of equal-sized arrays

$n-$dimensional arrays of $m$-dimensional arrays of the same size are stored as flat $n+m$ dimensional datasets.

DATASET "waveform_values" {
    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1,1>{real}"
    DATA = [[13712, 13712, 13683, ..., 15400]
            [13072, 13072, 12992, ..., 18806]
            [16918, 16918, 16962, ..., 18933]]

Vector of vectors

A vector of vectors of unqual sizes is stored as an HDF5 group that contains two datasets:

  • A 1-dimensional dataset flattened_data that stores the concatenation of all vectors into a single vector.
  • A 1-dimensional dataset cumulative_length that stores the cumulative sum of the length of all vectors.

The two datasets in the group also have datatype (and possibly units) attributes that match their content. For a vector-of-vectors-of-reals, the HDF5 structure is

GROUP "vector_of_vectors" {
    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{array<1>{real}}"
    DATASET "flattened_data" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
        DATA = [1, 4, 3, ...]
    DATASET "cumulative_length" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
        DATA = [3, 10, 34, ...]

Vectors-of-vectors may be nested to create vectors-of-vectors-of-vectors and so on. So for a vector-of-vectors-of-vectors, the datatype attribute of the HDF5 group will be array<1>{array<1>{array<1>{real}}}, and flattened_data will iself be a vector-of-vectors HDF5 group with the datatype attribute array<1>{array<1>{real}}. Deeper nesting is allowed.


Structs are stored as HDF5 groups. Fields that are structs themselves are stored as sub-groups, scalars and arrays as datasets. Groups and datasets in the group are named after the fields of the struct.

GROUP "struct" {
    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "struct{array1,flag2,obj3}
    DATASET "array1" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
        DATA = [5, 23, 4, ...]
    DATASET "flag2" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "bool"
        DATA = 0
    GROUP "obj3" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "struct{obj2}"


A table is struct where all the fields (also called "columns") have the same length. It is stored as a group of datasets, each representing a column of the table.

GROUP "waveform" {
    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "table{t0,dt,values}"
    DATASET "dt" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
        ATTRIBUTE "units" = "ns"
        DATA = [10, 10, 10, ...]
    DATASET "t0" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype"= "array<1>{real}"
        ATTRIBUTE "units" = "ns"
        DATA = [76420, 76420, 76420, ...]
    GROUP "values" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype"= "array<1>{array<1>{real}}"
        DATASET "cumulative_length" {
            ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
            DATA = [1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, ...]
        DATASET "flattened_data" {
            ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
            DATA = [14440, 14442, 14441, 14434, ...]


Enum values are stored as integer values, but with the datatype attribute: enum{NAME=INT_VALUE,...}

DATASET "evttype" {
    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{enum{evt_real=1,evt_pulser=2,evt_baseline=4}}"
    DATA = [1, 2, 1, 1, ...]

Values with physical units

For values with physical units, the dataset only contains the numerical values. The attribute units stores the unit information. Its value is the string representation of the common scientific notation for the unit. Unicode must not be used.

DATASET "energy" {
    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
    ATTRIBUTE "units" = "keV"
    DATA = {2453.25, 234.34, 2039.22, ...]

Encoded arrays

Specialized structures should exist to represent encoded data. An important application is for lossless compression of waveform vectors (see Data Compression). All HDF5 objects representing encoded arrays must carry (in addition to the usual datatype) a codec string attribute holding the encoder algorithm identifier (a list can be found in Data Compression) in order to be decoded. Some decoders might require additional mandatory attributes.

Encoded Array of equal-sized arrays

An encoded array of equal-sized arrays is stored as an HDF5 group that contains two datasets:

  • encoded_data: the encoded data, for example a Vector of vectors. The type of the elements must be unsigned 8-bit integers (i.e. bytes)
  • decoded_size: 1-dimensional dataset that stores the lengths of the original (decoded) arrays

Example of encoded waveform values, where encoded_data is an array<1>{array<1>{real}} of bytes.

GROUP "waveform_values" {
    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array_of_encoded_equalsized_arrays<1,1>{real}"
    ATTRIBUTE "codec" = "radware_sigcompress"
    ATTRIBUTE "codec_shift" = -32768
    GROUP "encoded_data" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{array<1>{real}}"
        DATASET "cumulative_length" {
            ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
            DATA = [...]
        DATASET "flattened_data" {
            ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
            DATA = [...]
    DATASET "decoded_size" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "real"
        DATA = ...

Encoded Vector of vectors

An encoded vector of vectors of unqual sizes is stored as an HDF5 group that contains two datasets:

  • encoded_data: the encoded data, for example a Vector of vectors. The type of the elements must be unsigned 8-bit integers (i.e. bytes)
  • decoded_size: 0-dimensional (i.e. scalar) dataset that stores the length of the original (decoded) arrays


A 1-dimensional histogram will be written as

GROUP "hist_1d" {
    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "struct{binning,weights,isdensity}"
    GROUP "binning" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "struct{axis_1}"
        GROUP "axis_1" {
            ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "struct{binedges,closedleft}"
            GROUP "binedges" {
                ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "struct{first,last,step}"
                DATASET "first" {
                    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "real"
                    DATA = 0
                DATASET "last" {
                    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "real"
                    DATA = 3000
                DATASET "step" {
                    ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "real"
                    DATA = 1
            DATASET "closedleft" {
                ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "bool"
                DATA = 1
    DATASET "isdensity" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "bool"
        DATA = 0
    DATASET "weights" {
        ATTRIBUTE "datatype" = "array<1>{real}"
        DATA = [...]

Multi-dimensional histograms will have groups axis_2, etc., with a multi-dimensional array as the value of dataset weights.